class WaveFile::Buffer
Represents a collection of samples in a certain format (e.g. 16-bit mono). Reader returns sample data contained in Buffers, and Writer expects incoming sample data to be contained in a Buffer as well.
Contains methods to convert the sample data in the buffer to a different format.
↑ topAttributes
Returns¶ ↑
Returns the sample data contained in the Buffer as an Array. If the Format has 1 channel, the Array will be a flat list of samples. If the Format has 2 or more channels, the Array will include sub arrays for each sample frame, with a sample for each channel.
Examples¶ ↑
samples = mono_buffer.samples # => [-0.5, 0.3, 0.2, -0.9, ...] samples = stereo_buffer.samples # => [[-0.2, 0.5], [0.1, 0.2], [-0.4, 0.7], [0.1, 0.2], ...] samples = three_channel_buffer.samples # => [[0.3, 0.5, 0.2], [-0.1, 0.2, -0.9], [0.2, 0.3, -0.4], [0.1, 0.2, -0.8], ...]
Public Class Methods
Creates a new Buffer.
- samples
An array of samples. If the Format has 1 channel (i.e. is mono), this should be a flat array of samples such as [0.5, 0.4, -0.3, …]. If the Format has 2 or more channels the array should include a sub-array for each sample frame. For example, [[0.5, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6], [-0.2, 0.4], …] for a stereo file.
The individual samples should match the given format:
- :pcm_8
Integer between 0 and 255
- :pcm_16
Integer between -32_768 and 32_767
- :pcm_24
Integer between -8_388_608 and 8_388_607
- :pcm_32
Integer between 2_147_483_648 and 2_147_483_647
- :float
Float between -1.0 and 1.0
- :float_32
Float between -1.0 and 1.0
- :float_64
Float between -1.0 and 1.0
- format
A Format instance which describes the sample format of the sample array.
Note that the sample array is not compared with the format to make sure they match - you are on the honor system to make sure they do. If they don't match, unexpected things will happen.
Examples¶ ↑
samples = ([0.5] * 50) + ([-0.5] * 50) # A floating point 440Hz mono square wave buffer =,, :float, 44100) samples = ([0.5, 0.5] * 50) + ([-0.5, -0.5] * 50) # A 440Hz stereo square wave buffer =,, :float, 44100) samples = ([16000] * 50) + ([-16000] * 50) # A 16-bit PCM 440Hz mono square wave buffer =,, :pcm_16, 44100)
Returns¶ ↑
Returns a constructed Buffer.
# File lib/wavefile/buffer.rb, line 51 def initialize(samples, format) @samples = samples @format = format end
Public Instance Methods
Creates a new Buffer containing the sample data of this Buffer, but converted to a different format.
- new_format
The format that the sample data should be converted to
Examples¶ ↑
new_format =, :pcm_16, 44100) new_buffer = old_buffer.convert(new_format)
Returns¶ ↑
Returns a new Buffer; the existing Buffer is unmodified. Raises BufferConversionError if the Buffer can't be converted to the given format
# File lib/wavefile/buffer.rb, line 69 def convert(new_format) new_samples = convert_buffer(@samples.dup, @format, new_format), new_format) end
Converts the sample data contained in the Buffer to a new format. The sample data is converted in place, so the existing Buffer is modified.
- new_format
The format that the sample data should be converted to
Examples¶ ↑
new_format =, :pcm_16, 44100) old_buffer.convert!(new_format)
Returns¶ ↑
Returns self. Raises BufferConversionError if the Buffer can't be converted to the given format
# File lib/wavefile/buffer.rb, line 87 def convert!(new_format) @samples = convert_buffer(@samples, @format, new_format) @format = new_format self end